
Roscoe is a scruffy dog that is on a quest to take naps on comfy couches. He journeys around the world in search for the comfiest couches. No hazards, puzzles, or mazes are going to stop him.
- Exploration, Puzzles, Hazards, and Mazes
- 50 Levels in 7 Worlds
- Side Collectables, Random Facts, Time Trophies, and Challenges
- 4 Save Files
- Export/Import your Save Files on Android
- Release
- Platforms
- Android 2.3+
- Only download the HTML APK if the other one can't install on your device.
- Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 16.4.1)
- dependencies info included with download
- Mac (Tested on 10.11.6 & 10.6.8)
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11
- Android 2.3+
- Download Size
- 25mb-30mb
- Latest Update
- Version 1.1